WWE Extreme Rules 2022 Review: Bray Wyatt’s shocking return and Edge v Finn Balor I Quit match

It’s a night of extreme in Philly with a Fight Pit match in the main event.

They had a really creative video package with a kid’s spelling bee and Paul Heyman was involved. I like the outside-of-the-box thinking.

Brawling Brutes vs. Imperium in a Good Old Fashioned Donnybrook Match

This was a LOT of fun. A really great PPV opener with six talented wrestlers (you’re welcome Ridge) and it worked. To be fair, even Holland looked impressive so this is a win. They gave it nearly eighteen minutes but they didn’t waste any of it. There probably wasn’t enough weapons used but you could argue Imperium wouldn’t want to use them as the mat is sacred right? I love Sheamus’ career renaissance in 2022. He was awesome again here and his stuff with Gunther was great just like their two matches so far. The best compliment I can pay to this is that it felt like a Shield match from 2013. The finish saw Sheamus hit a Celtic Cross on Gunther through the announce table and pinning Vinci after a BROGUE. That win should see us get to Gunther/Sheamus III and maybe a title change could happen there.

Winners by pinfall: Brawling Brutes

Match Rating: ****

Bianca Belair was highlighted with a video package. I like that these have become more of a thing since Triple H took charge. It’s not just a time-killer anymore.

The Miz was backstage hyping his birthday celebration on RAW when Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty turned up to annoy him. We’ll get more on this later.

Liv Morgan (c) vs. Ronda Rousey in an Extreme Rules match for the WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship

Some people will think this should have main evented. Those people would have been wrong. This was rather rough at times as the wrestlers struggled with the weapons aspect of the match. Ronda is always at her best when carried by the top wrestlers and Liv just isn’t at that level in a longer match. It was still a pretty good match and chaotic in a good way. Morgan got a really good near fall with a senton through the announce table which was a call back to a recent Smackdown spot. In the end, she couldn’t keep Rousey down and Ronda won the title back with a submission as Liv passed out. I’m not a huge fan of the title change but it may lead to a darker Liv which could be great. Ronda will probably hold the title until WrestleMania now which is a big sad.

Winner by submission and NEW WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion: Ronda Rousey

Match Rating: ***

Drew McIntyre vs. Karrion Kross w/Scarlett in a Strap Match

THEY DIDN’T DO THE TOUCH THE CORNERS RULE. God damn it. I wanted that to be the match gimmick but this was basically a No DQ match with pinfalls and submissions. It’s a decent brawl but nothing special which makes it the worst Drew match in a long time. Kross has a GREAT character but then the bell rings and it gets a bit boring. Scarlett sprayed something in Drew’s eyes and Karrion hit the Kross Hammer to win after 10 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Karrion Kross w/Scarlett

Match Rating: **1/4

Miz had another run-in with Gritty which teased that Dexter Lumis was under the costume.

NXT’s Nikkita Lyons is at ringside for the Ladder Match. Okay then.

Bianca Belair (c) vs. Bayley in a Ladder Match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship

No Damage CTRL with Bayley which isn’t really explained. They’d get involved later but I’m not sure why they weren’t just out there. This was good which is no surprise for these two. It was clunky at times as the ladder didn’t want to play ball but they got through it. It was more of a logical ladder match rather than just big spots which was better. Bianca winning is the right call but it does make you think who can take the title off of her? I think these two will have a much better psychology-focused singles match.

Winner and STILL WWE RAW Women’s Champion: Bianca Belair

Match Rating: ***1/2

Roman Reigns hype package. Again – smart use of time between matches.

Edge vs. Finn Balor in an I Quit Match

I Quit matches are very tough for wrestlers to build tension so credit to Edge and Balor for having a good match. They probably went a little bit overboard at first with the referee’s microphone. I mean – Balor got dropped on the barricade and the referee needed to ask if he quit after that? Never. This was a touch long at nearly 30 minutes which is the norm for Edge-post return. Some pull it off (Rollins, Reigns) while some struggle (Orton/Styles) but this was roughly in the middle of those parameters. When it picks up, it gets very good. Lots of interference as expected as the rest of Judgment Day get involved. Rey Mysterio comes down to counteract his son but the numbers game catch up to him. Edge looks done but HERE COMES BETH PHOENIX WITH A CHAIR. Eventually, numbers caught up again and there’s a greeeeeaaaaat finish as Judgment Day hold Edge and make him watch as Rhea threatens to conchairto Beth. That causes Edge to quit to prevent it BUT RHEA HIT IT ANYWAY. FUCK YEAH. Good call to have Balor win and the rehab work done on the heel stable in the last two months have made them must-see. I hope we get Ripley/Phoenix off this at WrestleMania but I get the feeling it’ll happen sooner.

Winner: Finn Balor

Match Rating: ****

Charlotte Flair got a hype package and she’s now been off TV for five months.

The Miz finally had enough of Gritty and PUNCHED HIM IN HIS STUPID FACE. But oh shit, Lumis is behind him and attacks Miz again!

A really great video package on Rollins/Riddle was shown narrated by Ariel Helwani. Good stuff.


Seth Rollins vs. Matt Riddle in a Fightpit match with Daniel Cormier as special guest referee

This was good but as a main event, it was slightly disappointing. It’s probably Seth’s worst big PPV match in two years and I can’t put my finger on what is wrong. The crowd were weirdly quiet throughout and the gimmick match just didn’t suit Rollins. Riddle was fine but it all just lacked a bit of focus. They had a good couple of spots including Riddle hitting a Floating Bro off the top of the platform. Riddle eventually made Rollins tap with the triangle choke and the crowd went mild? It was an odd finish that came out of nowhere after around 17 minutes. It felt like they were missing their real closing sequence. This was supposed to be the babyface’s big win to blow off the feud but it ended with a damp squib.

Winner: Matt Riddle

Match Rating: ***1/4

Riddle celebrated up the ramp and the closing graphic came on the screen when the lights went out. A man singing “He’s got the whole words in his hands’ was heard throughout the arena and Cole sold it like he thought they were off the air. We got shots of real-life characters from the Firefly Funhouse including Abby the Witch, Huskus the Pig, the White Rabbit and THE FIEND AT RINGSIDE! We see shots of an abandoned Funhouse set and a man on the TV spoke to us with an MJF-like mask. A door on the stage opened and a man with a lamp walked out. IT’S FUCKING OG CULT LEADER BRAY WYATT! HE’S BACK. HE’S BEATEN HIS DEMONS AND IS READY TO BE THE EATER OF WORLDS AGAIN!

Seriously, a really fucking cool return for Bray and a great way to end the show. Wyatt should be a MAJOR star in a Triple H-led WWE especially as his original character and not the Fiend. Make him a face as well because nobody wants to boo him. He’s too cool. I’m ready for it.

Show Rating: 7/10

It’s an odd show in a lot of ways. Everyone will remember Wyatt’s return as the main talking point. I really hope he has a good run and is kept away from the title picture. He has enough story to work with and doesn’t need gold.

The rest of the show was good but felt like it was lacking something special. The Donnybrook and I Quit matches are both REALLY good matches while the Ladder match was great as well. Some of the show just didn’t work though like the Strap match, Morgan/Rousey and the main event. It’s a good show but quite forgettable apart from Wyatt’s return. I feel like the opener and Balor/Edge will go down as forgotten classics in the future.

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